Appeal to help our brethren in Sri Lanka at this time of crisis
SCOT (Standing Committee of Tamil Speaking people ) is a registered charity in England and Wales (registration No: 274499). With your support, we have been serving the minority Tamil speaking community in Sri Lanka for over 40 years. As many of our benefactors know we do long term, medium term projects and crisis management at times of Natural and manmade disasters, with focus on our 3 Es concept viz Education, Employment and Empowerment.
In the recent past following 2019 Easter Sunday bomb blast and December 2019 floods in Sri Lanka, we have done crisis management projects up to £5700. Hardly without any intermission disaster has struck again in the form of Coronavirus ( COVID 19).
The needs created by COVID 19 are now and ongoing, with disruption to employment and education. Whether it will last 6 months or 12 months or more is anybody’s guess. At the time of such disasters it hits the poor more. With COVID 19 disaster and accompanying curfew imposed, the daily wage earners and the unemployed have no income to purchase food items. How can they purchase food when curfew is lifted for about 6 hours every few weeks? For these unfortunate adults hunger pangs are not unknown at the best of times, during this period of curfew it only gets more frequent and intense. But how can they explain the problems they face to their starving children and milk fed infants who can express their hunger by only crying? To respond to such disasters promptly, we are desperately in need of funds.So please donate generously and help us to help our down trodden brethren be hunger free and help them get on the employment ladder again.
Thanks for considering this appeal.